The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot – Review

The Mighty Quest for epic loot is a free to play 3D 3rd person castle defence/attack game, the point of the game being to level up your castle, defend it with creatures and traps, and level up and gear your character.

The graphics and gameplay for TMQFEL are clean and simple, and very high quality for a free game. The theory, and practise of the game are all good and could make a very high quality game. Sadly, this game quickly loses its playability through pay to win and trading through steam, at low levels you can find castles with almost impenetrable defences and now (unless you’re spending a very large amount of time in game) one of the only ways to get highly ranked is to buy your way up. To fix this problem the creators can either (1) make the game paid with no extra in-game payments or (2) make the game completely free with no extra costs (except maybe decorative items/scenarios to support the development of the game).MQEL_5.jpg

Besides all of these things if you understand the concepts of the game you can easily get a large amount of play time, and if you change the layout of your castle quite frequently it is possible to reach high ranks and stay there, although if you are spending that amount of effort you may just want to consider buying your way up instead.

All in all I love the concept and I think in theory it could make an amazing game, and earlier in the construction of the game it may have been better, but I think it has a lot to work on and I wouldn’t advice going straight to this game when there is a world of free games which can satisfy you more without leaving the taste of pay2win in your mouth.



– Harry Lankshear
(Lankshear Media)

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