The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Review

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the finest role-playing games ever made. The beautiful world of the Witcher 3 has many stories to tell, none of which you will want to miss.


In the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you play as Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher. A monster slayer for hire, trying to avoid the politics of the world. He does a pretty good job of it too until he is summoned to find his adopted daughter, who has been missing for years.

In his quest to find Ciri, Geralt travels through the stunning, game world. The Witcher 3 is hands down the best looking game I have ever played, but the developers use this beauty to show the horrific monsters which inhabit the Northern Realms. From rotting ghouls, still in their wedding dresses, to the nekkers, their body riddled with diseases, the Witcher 3’s monsters look so good, they legitimately look bad.

The sad thing about the Witcher 3 is that the monsters aren’t the worst thing that inhabit the world. Just like in life, humans are the evil in the world. In the Witcher 3, you will see muddy battlefields, littered with mutilated corpses, or the burning of witches, and even non-humans at the stake for no particular reason, open for all to see. The Witcher 3 deals with some real world issues such as politics, racism and war like no other game.


Geralt is known to be a master swordsman, against monsters or humans. The combat in the Witcher is beautiful to watch, with amazingly detailed animations following every move. Remarkably, the combat is still fast paced and responsive, with every parry and dodge getting your blood pumping.

Along with his swords, Geralt also has signs at his disposal. Signs are small spells which can be used to great effect in combat. With some monsters being especially vulnerable to a particular to a sign.

The combat, along with every facet of the game is deeply customisable, allowing you to tailor Geralt’s skill set to your personal play style.

The combat in the Witcher 3 is visceral, with limbs and heads flying in every direction, and Geralt showing no remorse. You’d almost feel guilty about how many people Geralt kills, if they weren’t all trying to kill you first.


On his quest for Ciri, Geralt learns that the Wild Hunt, a band of spectral riders who travel between realms, are endlessly pursuing Ciri. the wild hunt is genuinely evil and serves as an amazing villain, their threat constantly looming over you.

Along with the villain, the other parts of the Witcher 3’s story are top-notch. The stakes are high, the pacing is great, the characters and interactions are memorable, and the story itself is an exciting adventure.

The story of the Witcher 3 really culminates around the ending, where it really gets good. I was feeling genuine emotions upon finishing the game, emotions that games capture so rarely, I could count the ones that do on one hand.

Along with the great story, the world of the Witcher 3 is full of lore and history. With interesting legends and tales, and a fully fledged political environment. The Northern Realms is not a place there to serve the gameplay. It is a rich back drop for the epic story that the game wants to tell.


On his quest to save Ciri, Geralt will often stop for the odd side quest or occasional witcher contract. The side Quests in the Witcher 3 are interesting, and tell small stories, that are intriguing to experience.

The Witcher contracts involve Geralt doing his normal job as a Witcher. Geralt has to examine the scene of a monster attack for clues, and he eventually tracks down, and kills the monsters. These contracts are not as simple as they seem, and often expose some dark secrets.

Geralt will also stumble upon the occasional treasure stash, and loot it for big rewards.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a masterfully crafted game. The amount of love, devotion and time CD Projekt Red poured into the game shows with its incredible story and gameplay. The minor issues with the game are barely worth mentioning and are fewer and further between than most games these days. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an experience, in my 97 hours of play I fell in love with the world and its rich history, along with the gameplay characters and story. This is an adventure I would recommend to everybody.

10/10 – Incredible2015-11-02_00004 

And if you’re not pumped to play the Witcher 3 after this review, just watch this trailer.

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